History of Nambudripad's Techniques
How was NAET® developed?



What Is Natural Allergy Elimination Technique...  st george naet



One doctor’s accidental discovery in 1983 opened the door to solving allergic suffering forever. Allergies are one of the most stubborn and frustrating health conditions faced by man today.

As a result, many chronic illnesses result from allergies that stress body systems. All too often the stress that allergies cause to our bodies can lead to crippling diabilities and even death.

NAET is the process where all allergies are completely eliminated from the body... forever.

By following the proven steps to complete wellness, a patient is able to rid their body of all allergies in a safe, non-invasive natural way.

NAET is the only proven way to end your body's battle against allergens. 

What is NAET?

 naet st george  Permanently eliminate allergies. 
 naet st george  Performed without needles, drugs or pain. 
 naet st george  Allergic symptoms greatly diminished in a few weeks. 
 naet st george  One visit usually eliminates an allergy. 
 naet st george  Visits take about 35 minutes. 
 naet st george  Acupressure points stimulated along spine while patient holds allergen. 
 naet st george  Allergens treated one at a time in a specific sequence. 
 naet st george  Allergens avoided for 25 hours.


NAET has successfully treated people with these conditions:



naet st george  Allergies 

naet st george  Asthma

naet st george  Autism

naet st george  Reflux

naet st george  ADD/ADHD

naet st george  Migraines

naet st george  Chronic fatigue

naet st george  Backache

naet st george  Headaches

naet st george  Anxiety

naet st george  PMS

naet st george  High blood pressure 

          naet st george  Fibromyalgia 

          naet st george  Drug reactions 

          naet st george  Hay fever 

          naet st george  Weight problems 

          naet st george  Frequent colds 

          naet st george  Yeast problems 

          naet st george  Insomnia 

          naet st george  Bronchitis 

          naet st george  Ear infections 

          naet st george  Sinusitus 

          naet st george  Menopausal syndrome 

          naet st george  Flu 

How was NAET developed...

NAET was developed by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, a California acupuncturist, chiropractor, and a kinesiologist, in an attempt to relieve herself of severe allergic symptoms suffered since her birth in Kerala, South India. 


While working on her Ph.D. at Samra University of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles, she observed that people presenting allergic symptoms often responded favorably to acupuncture or acupressure treatment.

After recognition of the systemic relationship between contact with an allergen
and the resulting neuro-physiological effects produced in the body, she began to discover the key to the mystery of how the brain may be reprogrammed in its response to what it once took to be harmful or toxic. 


Her own experience and personal interest led her to develop the method later referred to collectively as NAET, and to specialize exclusively in the diagnosis
and treatment of allergies.

She has trained more than five thousand medical practitioners from all over the world (chiropractors, acupuncturists, allopathic medical doctors, dentists, doctors
of osteopathy, doctors of veterinary medicine are some among the group).

To date, thousands of patients successfully have been treated, with amazing results. 

What are allergies...  

From a Western medical perspective, allergy is an overreaction by the immune system. In NAET, allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective, based on Oriental Medical principles.

An allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity of one person to one or more substances that may be harmless to the majority of individuals.

In the allergic person, the allergic substance (known as an allergen), is viewed by the brain as a threat to the body's well-being.

Therefore, for our purposes, an allergy is defined in terms of what a substance does to the energy flow in the body.

Allergies are the result of energy imbalances in the body, leading to a diminished state of health in one or more organ systems.

When contact is made with an allergen, it causes blockages in the energy pathways called meridians. Thought about in another way, it disrupts the normal flow of energy through the body's electrical circuits.

This energy blockage causes interference in communication between the brain and body via the nervous system. This blocked energy flow is the first step in a chain of events which can develop into an allergic response.


How do I find and treat my allergies... 

Conventional Western medicine has several methods for testing allergies.

These include the "Intra-dermal test," "Patch test," "Scratch test," and various blood tests such as the "RAST test" and the "ELISA test."

These can identify dozens of allergens from one test or from one blood sample.

The standard treatment is drug therapy using either antihistamines or steroids to control allergic symptoms.

Unfortunately, this does not correct the underlying problem, and often the allergy sufferer experiences serious long term side effects.

The most effective treatment option until now has been complete avoidance of the offending allergen(s).

This can be difficult and in some cases impossible. Now, however, there is an alternative… NAET, Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques. 


Traditional allergy testing and treatments are painful and expensive. Is there a way I can get rid of my allergies...

Yes. By testing and treating with the Nambudripad's Testing Techniques. 

This revolutionary approach is particularly relevant for dealing with allergies, one of the most stubborn health problems facing mankind today.

It is a natural, drugless, painless, non-invasive method that can be used safely on a newborn infant, on the elderly, even on a healthy person to treat hidden allergies that could cause disease in the future.

It can be used on pets, invalids, children, even patients in a coma. NAET can
reduce or eliminate allergies to the items cleared by this method.

With this technique, allergens are cleared (treated) one at a time, in a specific order.

The good news is that following the prescribed formula, allowing for the 25-hour avoidance of the treated substance, one session is all it usually takes to reduce/clear an allergy.

Highly sensitive individuals may require additional 'combination' clearings. 

A treatment for my health problems really exists...


Yes! At last there is freedom from allergies and ailments arising from allergies. 


Dr. Nambudripad's knowledge in Eastern and Western medicine gave her the insights which guided her towards the discovery of this unique treatment to overcome her own serious allergic reactions to foods. 


In her own words, Dr. Nambudripad tells the amazing story of how she freed herself from life-long allergies and the discovery of NAET®, in her book Say Goodby To Illness. 


I'm presently seeing a chiropractor. How does my doctor's treatment differ from NAET...

Most standard chiropractic treatments are centered around chiropractic adjustments, avoidance of harmful activities and perhaps stringent diets in combination with dietary supplements.

Nothing in standard medical practice or chiropractic can offer the hope of health improvement and freedom from allergies which is possible through the use of NAET.

NAET uses Oriental medical procedures for diagnosis and chiropractic principles for treatment.

You might recommend that your chiropractor learn and incorporate NAET, into his
or her practice. 


How do acupuncture and acupressure relate to allergy treatment by NAET... 

Since acupuncture (or acupressure) points fall along the body's energy pathways,
or meridians, either of these methods may be used to balance the nervous system to bring the body to a state of homeostasis.

This is done in the presence of a given allergen, so that an allergic reaction will not result upon future contact with that same substance.

When this result is obtained, the patient is said to have been 'cleared' of his allergy to that substance. 


How long does this clearance last...

In our experience, if clearance is still effective 24 hours after treatment, it is lasting and should be for the life of the patient.

We have not seen any recurrence of allergies from a successfully treated allergen in 20 years. So we believe it should be for the life of the patient. 


How does the nutritional assessment help NAET... 

Once you have been completely cleared for a particular food or environmental substance, it will no longer be necessary for you to avoid it.

The reason we do nutritional assessment and balancing during and after a series
of treatments by NAET, is to restore strength and vitality to the body, which has long been deprived of its proper share of nutrients due to the allergic sensitivity
to the items in the diet. 


NAET Treatment procedures?
What is it and how does it work?

After diagnosis has been completed using standard medical testing procedures, computerized testing and/or kinesiological muscle response testing, a systematic treatment procedure is begun in which the central nervous system is mildly stimulated in the presence of each allergen, in order to reprogram the brain with the new message.

Most patients can successfully be treated by acupressure around the spine to stimulate the nerves which convey messages to and from the brain going to the organs and other tissues all over the body. 


You said, most patients...

Does this mean that acupuncture may have to be used in some

Many patients can be cleared of their reaction, upon initial treatment with acupressure alone.

But there are those who may require several treatments before clearing is accomplished--the addition of acupuncture has proven helpful in speeding up the process.

Also, note that the number of treatments required for clearing an allergen may vary not only between patients, but between different allergens with the same patient; the more severe the patient's reaction to a substance, the greater the likelihood that more than one treatment will be required for clearing. 


Is the acupuncture painful... 

No. It's only slightly uncomfortable, if at all.

And it's completely optional.

Application of the acupressure technique has proven to be as effective as acupuncture, though in some cases it may not produce results as quickly.

Will I be completely cured of my allergies...

80-90% of the patients treated thus far by NAET have experienced complete relief from their allergic symptoms to the items for which they have been treated.

Most of them report that contact with previously troublesome foods or environmental substances no longer cause adverse effects. 


How long will it take before I experience this degree of success... 

The total length of the treatment program varies greatly from one individual to another, depending upon the number of specific allergies, and the overall intensity of the allergic condition.

It may take anywhere from 10 to 40 visits, depending on your condition, to note significant results.

For best results, usually just one allergen (or one group of closely related allergens) should be identified and